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Imelda Trejo Lorenzo, invitada de Jorge X. Velasco Hernández del 11 al 14 de abril de 2023

Imelda Trejo Lorenzo, de los Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos. Invitada del Dr. Jorge X.  Velasco Hernández, para impartir una charla “Modelling and estimation of epidemic utbreaks” en el Seminario del Nodo Multidisciplinario de Matemáticas Aplicadas y continuar con su investigación en brotes epidémicos. Duración: 4 días del 11/04/2023 al 14/04/2023.

Dr. Imelda Trejo Lorenzo earned her PhD in Mathematics from the University of Texas in Arlington and an MS in Applied Mathematics from Center for Research in Mathematics. As a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Theoretical Biology and Biophysics, and Information System and Modeling Groups at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dr. Trejo Lorenzo has developed computational and mathematical frameworks to study and prevent emerging infectious diseases in the context of global security. She also developed statistical and deterministic models of epidemics and infectious diseases. Previously, she applied machine learning methods to predict carbon dioxide levels after leaks. Dr. Trejo Lorenzo is assigned to the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases. Here she will work to provide modeling for wastewater surveillance, wastewater surveillance systems, and foodborne illnesses. In addition, she will provide probabilistic modeling and sensitivity analysis of waterborne disease. Dr. Lorenzo’s goal is to expand her research effort toward helping with the data and modeling decision-driven polices that can reduce infectious disease progression and death.

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