Coloquio Cuernavaca, noviembre de 2023
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Profesor distinguido del Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Texas A&M
Miércoles 22 noviembre de 2023, 12:00 horas
Auditorio Interno del IMUNAM, Cuernavaca
Abstract: Scale groups are closed subgroups of the group of isometries of the regular tree that fix an end of the tree and are vertex-transitive. They play an important role in the study of locally compact totally disconnected groups as was observed by G.Willis. It is a miracle that they are closely related to self-replicating groups, a special subcalls of self-similar groups.
In my talk I will discuss two ways of building scale groups. One is based on the use of scale-invariant groups studied by V.Nekrashevych and G.Pete, and a second is based on the use of liftable groups -- a special class of self-replicating groups. The examples based on both approaches will be demonstrated including the Lamplighter group L and a torsion 2-group of intermediate growth G. It will be shown that its finitely presented non elementary amenable relative G' gives the example of a scale group acting 2-transitively on a punctured boundary.
Additionally the group of isometries of the ring of integer p-adics and group of dilations of the field of p-adic will be mentioned in the relation with the discussed topics.