Abril: Coloquio Queretano
Sesiones del Coloquio Queretano en abril
viernes 13
Dra. Rita Jiménez Rolland, IMUNAM - Oaxaca
“Fenómenos de estabilidad en álgebra y topología”
En esta charla presentaremos nociones de estabilidad para familias de espacios que aparecen de manera natural en álgebra y topología. Veremos cómo este marco de ideas nos permite encontrar y predecir patrones en varios contextos en matemáticas: en topología algebraica (grupos de trenzas, espacios de configuraciones), en teoría clásica de representaciones (estabilidad de Murnaghan) y en geometría algebraica (espacios modulares).
martes 24
Dr. Alessio Franci, Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.
“Symmetry breaking in decision theories and brain dynamics”
When choosing between candidate nest sites, a honeybee swarm reliably chooses the most valuable site and even when faced with the choice between near-equal value sites, it makes highly efficient decisions. Value-sensitive decision-making is enabled by a distributed social effort among the honeybees, and it leads to decision-making dynamics of the swarm that are remarkably robust to perturbation and adaptive to change. To explore and generalize these features to other networks, we design distributed multi-agent network dynamics that exhibit a pitchfork bifurcation, ubiquitous in biological models of decision-making.
I will end the talk with some preliminary results that use equivariant bifurcation theory to generalize the two-choice network model organized by the pitchfork to an p-choice model organized by Sp equivariant singularities.