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CViCom UNAM: Seminario de Computación

Blockchains and the Future of Distributed Computing
Maurice Herlihy, Elected fellow of the NAI, elected to the USNAE an Wang Professor of Computer Science
Viernes 29 de marzo 2019 a las 10:00 horas
Auditorio Alfonso Nápoles Gándara, IMUNAM, CU

Blockchains and the Future of Distributed Computing

Maurice Herlihy,

Elected fellow of the Natíonal Academy of lnventors, Elected to the Uníted States Natíonal Academy of Engíneeríng An Wang Professor of Computer Science.

Viernes 29 de marzo 2019 a las 10:00 horas
Auditorio Alfonso Nápoles Gándara

  •  CViCom UNAM: Seminario de Computación

    CViCom UNAM: Seminario de Computación

    Auditorio Alfonso Nápoles Gándara